Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year Resolution- Write Down Your Story

As with all New Years this one brings with it a renewed sense of passion to do all the things I have been meaning to do. I try throughout the year to relish in my completed goals and renew my zeal for those yet to be finished but there is something about the change of year that really brings home the value of having goals and reaching them.

I wouldn't usually make a suggestion as far as others resolution  but this year I decided to share one of mine and ask you to consider it too. This year I am going to write a story for my children about myself. I am hoping you might join me in this goal, and if you come across a story that really means something to you please email me for the blog if you are willing to share-

We all have a story and all of our stories are valuable even if it may not seem so sometimes. I truly believe in this. As generations before us have come together by sharing their life stories so can we continue to come together in this life by sharing with each other the moving and invaluable experiences we have experienced. In the coming weeks as I consider my own life and my family I will decide on a story to share with you as well, after all it is only fair.

Best of luck on all of your endeavors and a Happy New Year!

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